10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

Welcome to day #2 of our special Narcissism Weekend. Today’s guest is Bill Eddy, a therapist, lawyer and expert on “high-conflict” personalities, aka narcissists and people with personality disorders.
I brought Bill on today to talk about a new book he co-authored called Dating Radar, which is all about seeing the warning signs of a high conflict person before you even fall for them. We’re going to talk about what it’s like to date a narcissist, what it’s like to divorce a narcissist, and how you can use dating radar to discover if you’re actually dating Satan!
So join us for another extremely special extended reality check today. Share this episode and rate it in your podcatcher of choice, and be sure to check him out at http://www.highconflictinstitute.com/. Also, get his book at https://www.dating-radar.com/ and be sure you take their Dating Radar Quiz to find out if you’re actually dating the devil.
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