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Why Day Trading?

Hey — David Wygant here.

If you're reading this right now, chances are you're already familiar with who I am and what I do. But, in case introductions are in order... I've been one of the world's leading authorities in the dating & romance industry for over 20 years. In fact, I literally created the industry. Before Neil Strauss wrote The Game, before Will Smith played Hitch, I created the idea of being a "dating coach" through sheer force of mindset.

And that's what dating and life have always been about for me — and it's what I've taught millions of men and women around the world for two decades: how to move past your fear and simply go for whatever you desire...

...which leads me to my newest endeavor: trading. Learning the market. Making money.

What exactly does this all have to do with love and dating? Nothing, really, on the surface. Yet, the same principles apply — you see what you want and simply go for it, you tell your fears to go fuck themselves.

This has become a real passion for me, and it's a passion I invite you to partake in, as well, if you:

Want to make more money

Want to learn a new skill

Want to challenge yourself

Want to learn the basics of trading

Want to up your trading expertise

Want to truly attain financial freedom

I'm Creating a Course That Will Teach You the Trading Skills That I've Learned & Applied — If You Want to Learn More, Click Below:

Want to Get a Taste Right Now?

Listen to these recent podcasts about trading, crypto, the market, & more.

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