I was talking with the guys from this weekends LA bootcamp, and one of the guys asked a question. He looked at me and he said, “What makes you successful?” I looked at him and I thought to myself, a lot of things, but I know what he’s getting at. He wasn’t asking me what my definition of success was. He asked me what made me successful. And you know what makes me successful in all areas of my life? Patience. One word, and one word only. Patience.

As a kid, I used to make fun of this word. My mom would come and tell me “You need to be patient.” I’d look at her and say the dumb kid joke, “How can I be patient when I’m not a doctor?”

To me, that sounded really funny when I was 11, but not any more. Patience is the key to everything that’s happened great in my life.

When I was first trying to learn how to really meet women in a very natural, authentic, real way, I realized I had to be patient. If something didn’t work one day, I’d stick with it. I had to stick with what I knew would work, had to stick with what I believe would work, and by doing that, I learned the art of patience.

Dating Is For Dogs

When I built up my business, I wasn’t making money right away from it. I had to learn how to be patient. I knew I was building a solid foundation and a solid foundation is built on patience. Everything in life that’s great comes to you when you’re patient. The more patient you are, the more successful you’re going to be.

You want the best deal when you’re car shopping. Never show them how interested you are for that car, be patient. Even if the car is in the exact color you want, pretend there’s thousands and thousands of them out there waiting for you to drive. Be real patient so you get your price. You’ll find that a lot of the times when you’re patient and you think that this car, this pair of jeans, this house is going to be gone, it’s not. The more patient you are, the greater chance for a better deal you’ll get and those type of things.

The more patient you are with yourself, the more patient you are in your search for looking for somebody, the greater person you’re going to meet. I know when I’m not getting along with somebody in a relationship, but then be patient and realize it’s going to work its way out.

As long as I’m clear what I want and I can communicate it to the other person and allow them to process it and see if we can make it work. I know when I was single, the more patient I was, the greater people I found that came into my life. Patience is the key to everything, and that’s what made me successful in all aspects of my life. Hopefully you’ll re-read this blog a lot, over and over again. Because without patience, you’re not going to get what you want out of life.