Congratulations.  The sex is probably unbelievable.are you dating a married woman

She is probably humping your brains out.

She is most likely performing fantasy-style stuff on you.

Nothing is hotter than having sex with a married woman.  I did it a few times in my early 20s.  It was some of the greatest sex ever.

I remember I met this woman at a club — it was this weird club.

New York City is famous for themed clubs and themed bars.  This one was like an Arabian Nights style club.

I remember walking in there and there were sheets, and pillows, and things to lay on, and stuff hanging from the ceiling.  I remember just kind of hanging out.

She walked over to me.  She asked me to dance.  I looked at her and I said, Whatever illusion you have of me, it’s going to be ruined if you see me dance.”

She giggled.

She handed me her number and she told me she was married and she’d like to have sex.  I’m not kidding about this.

She literally came over two mornings later and we had sex the entire day.  I took the day off from work.  It was like a 23 year-old dream, calling in sick to have sex.  My god, that was crossed off my bucket list real early.

The sex was pretty amazing.  Probably some of the best sex I’ve ever had in my entire life up until that point.

I was her fantasy.  She was married.  She was not happily married.  And I got to perform all the things she was never able to do with her husband.

I remember I decided after that one time we were never going to do this again.  Why?  Because I didn’t want to be sucked into some triangle.  I also don’t want to disrespect somebody else’s marriage.

She used to call from the phone booth opposite my apartment, wanting to come up.  I’d look at her in the phone booth and I’d let the phone ring.

It was not a healthy thing at all.

So what if you find yourself having sex with a married woman?  Well, let me tell you something.  First off, okay, married people always lie.  Well think about it.

They’re lying wherever they’ve told their husband where they are at that moment, as they have sex with you.

Secondly, they’re going to lie about almost all the things that are going on.

They might tell you that they’re going to leave the husband.

They might tell you that they’re in love with you.

They might promise you a lot of things, but in reality, all they’re doing is having an affair with you.  They’re doing it because they don’t have the guts to actually leave the husband.

You see, if they had the guts to leave the husband, they would’ve had an open line of communication in the beginning, and none of this would be transpiring right now.  There’d be no hot and heavy affair at all.  As a matter of fact, you wouldn’t even be having sex with her at all.

But you see, people are so afraid of their own truths.

They’re terrified of really letting go of what they need to let go of.  So if you find yourself caught in this type of web, I strongly suggest you get strong.  No matter how great the sex might be, I strongly suggest if you have any feelings for this married woman, you’d tell her honestly that you can’t see her any more until she gets her house in order.

You see, if she gets her house in order and then comes to see you, then the relationship’s something worth pursuing.  But in the meantime, you’re just a boy-toy, man-toy, or whatever it might be.  You’re letting her live out a fantasy while her reality is not great.

I’d like to know what you think.  Let me know in the comments.