Can I get away with one more blog about the Super Bowl before we all forget about it?

Okay, well here it goes…

When I tell you the word urgency, what does it make you think?

The Eagles had a sense of urgency.

When they were driving down the field every single time, they had a sense of urgency.

They didn’t do what most teams do against the Patriots.

What do most teams do against the Patriots?

They have no sense of urgency at all. They go and they think some game plan is going to beat the Patriots.

Yet the Patriots always have a sense of urgency.

The more they score, the greater chance of winning.

Well, the Eagles had urgency.

So what kind of urgency do you have in your life?

Are you a talker or are you a doer?

Do you just talk, talk, talk, talk, talk about things nonstop and never have any urgency to get things done?

It’s February now. Have you been talking yourself back into shape? How is it working for you?

Have you been talking yourself back into a love life? How is that working for you?

Have you talked yourself back into making money or finding a new job? How is the talk working for you?

Where is your urgency?

Do you think you’re going to be on this planet for hundreds and hundreds of years and you can just slowly do things the way that you do?

Urgency is the only way to get things done in life. Have a sense of urgency.

It amazes me how many people talk about how they’re going to get into shape and talk about how they’re going to quit smoking and talk about how they’re going to go meet people and talk about why things don’t work and talk about why their love life isn’t the way it’s supposed to be and talk about how they’ll eventually start losing weight.

And they’ll talk about how they’ll do it by summertime.

And they’ll talk and talk and talk.

Am I getting the point across?

Stop talking. Start doing. Have a sense of urgency.

When you have a sense of urgency, you actually get to your end result quicker and then you can start talking about something else.

And here’s another hint.

You’re never going to get to your end result. There’s no such thing as an “end result,” because even when you get to the perfect physical body that you want, you’ll have to keep working out to keep it.

Even when you stop smoking, you’ll have to keep working on resisting the temptation of smoking.

Urgency is what keeps you going. Urgency is what lights a fire under your ass.

Life is all about a sense of urgency.

Even when you start dating somebody and have a relationship, guess what?

You’re going to have to keep working on that relationship every single day.

So light that fire and start running, start connecting, start working, start doing.

And for God’s sake, STOP talking about it.