Push me. Push me a little further. Push me a little further and watch what happens.

Maybe you’ve seen the movie, “Network.”

There’s a character in the movie that Peter Finch plays, which was his last role. He was a newscaster, I believe. I haven’t seen the movie in a long, long time. He’s 70.

But eventually, he just lost his shit.

Life, job, kids, money, ex-wives, wives, just pushed him to the brink.

In one scene in the movie, he looks outside the window and screams “I’m mad as hell and I can’t take it any more.” And that was his signature speech that won him an Oscar that year. He actually beat out Sylvester Stallone, who was up for best actor in “Rocky.” I remember how upset I was because I saw “Rocky” and “Rocky” was one of my favorite movies of all time.

And I wanted Stallone to win best actor.

There’s a movie that Michael Douglas did in Los Angeles called “Walking Tall” or “Walking” – something, I don’t remember the name of it.

But Michael Douglas plays a guy that just loses his shit on the freeway one day.

He literally takes a baseball bat and just starts going off .

We all have a breaking point.

We all have a point in life where we just lose our shit, where we just can’t take it any more.

And that to me, is what I call the magical moment of self awareness.

You see, there’s a point where we’ve been pushed around, and all of us have.

We all have stories, and back stories, and sad stories and victim stories. Hell, shit. We got stories coming out of our ass.

A lot of us have exes. A lot of us have kids. A lot of us have debt.

We’ve all got stories where we just do one thing after another and nothing seems to ever change. For some of you, its something as simple as not being able to approach or connect right with the opposite sex.

Others of you, it runs deeper.

Your enough is enough moment, your enough is enough moment runs really deep.

For you, it could be your relationship with your son or daughter.

It could be a relationship you have with your parents, or your wife, or your husband that you’re no longer in love with. What ever your enough is enough moment, its coming for all of you. There is a point in our life where the universe keeps throwing things at us.

Moments where we just get pushed to our max.

Your brother asked for one last favor.

Your neighbor asked for money again.

Your daughter doesn’t show appreciation.

It doesn’t matter what it is, but we all get to that point where enough is enough.

Some of us try to find love and kindness in every moment. Some of us go to yoga classes and practice being empathetic to so many people.

Practicing self-love and love to all people. Even people that just push you to the limit.

But even when we practice meditation, and even when we practice love, and even when we practice all of these amazing things from Buddhism to Spiritualism to Yogaism…

There is a moment in time where we just can’t do it any more. Where enough is enough. Where we’ve been pushed to our limit.

We’ve been pushed to the point of no return.

We practice kindness, we practice everything we can possibly practice. We’ve listened to Chavausna, we’ve listened to Yogi Ganda.

We’ve done our work on ourselves.

But we’re just human beings having a human experience.

And sometimes, our human experience pushes us to the limit. Pushes us so far that we just snap and we make a decision that enough is enough. We make a decision to stand up for the joys of our life and no longer have the things that don’t bring us joy.

I want to know what your “enough is enough” moment is. What got you to the point where you changed as a soul. Where you grew as a soul. What pushed you to the edge?

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