Recently I was hanging out in Whole Foods with Chris and Josh and there was a woman standing near the fruit while I was getting a peach.

I looked at her and I said, “man, these don’t really smell,” and she said absolutely nothing. She went into total mute mode.

And so what did I do?

Absolutely nothing!

I didn’t really care. It didn’t really make much of a difference. What does it matter to me? The guys asked me, “well what could you have done differently? What happened?”

But, who cares? Let it go. She just didn’t respond. I approached her well – on an observation – and she just didn’t respond. Do you really want to hang out with somebody who doesn’t talk to you? Do you want to hang out with a mute?

It doesn’t make much of a difference. And in the time that the guys were analyzing this woman and why she didn’t respond, there were four other cute women hanging out around the salad bar checking us out.

Chris and Josh were busy saying, “well, what could we have done differently?” and they missed the next opportunity.

Who cares? Stop with the attitude of wanting to get them all. Why would you want to get them all? Do you really have that much time to date them all?

You want to get the gems. You want to go for the woman that responds to you – not the one that ignores you.

So she ignored me. I don’t care. Ask me now what she even looked like and I probably couldn’t tell you. Life moves on. Life is a marathon.

This is how we ended the bootcamp. WHO CARES? – that is the phrase that every guy needs to remember from this point forward. If a woman does not respond to you when you’ve done everything correctly (which we all did!) then look at the situation and say, WHO CARES? There are plenty of other women out there.

Life starts from the second that she blows you off. That gives you the opportunity to see all of the rest of them!

Now that you have this mindset check out todays video on how to meet women in the mall. This is live footage from actual approaches in a Seattle Mall.

Enjoy and have a great Friday!!