First off, I want to set the record straight.

If I didn’t run a business that needed customers, I wouldn’t go anywhere near Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

Maybe I’d have a private Instagram account for 20 or 30 people that were close to me so that I could post photos of my life

Post photos of my daughter and I.

Post photos of my friends and I.

As for Facebook, it would probably be the exact same thing. I would just have a few people on my Facebook account so I can post fun little things.

You wouldn’t catch me doing any memes.

You wouldn’t catch me with inspirational quotes.

I just wouldn’t do it. I don’t need to inspire my friends. I don’t need to feel the need to put that shit out into the universe.

I’m actually a really private person who’s been a public person.

So when I write something or I create something, I do it because I’ve been in the public eye for so long. I do it for business. It’s just the way I’ve trained to be.

But what I don’t understand is that when people have no interest in business, why the hell are they hashtagging everything?

This is what I don’t get. I did a podcast about it a little while ago, which you can listen to here.

If your friends are your friends, and they’re the people who are looking at the pictures of your adorable kids (because we all think our kids are more adorable than the next), we have to put it up there, on these social media sites so other people can say yes, validation. Your kid is beautiful.

Or you look great today.

Or wow, what a great shot of that lasagna.

I get it. I’ve talked about it a thousand times. The validation that we all need is unreal.

I get it. I understand it. It’s great to see our friends’ kids, it is. And you know what? I’m making fun of it, but it is loving and it’s supportive. And it’s a really wonderful thing that we’re loving each other’s kids.

But the main point here is:

Why do the hashtagging if it’s only your friends?

They’re not running searches. That’s the point of the hashtag.

Or I call it the pound. Because (and this may surprise younger people), the #hashtag symbol is actually the pound symbol on your phone.

The whole point is, that’s what someone is running a search for: #cutechildintheairport.

If your friends are already there, your friends are already looking, your friends are already coming up, I strongly doubt that they’re going to be running a search. They’re only looking at your stuff, so I don’t get why people are hashtagging. Is it because we’re fucking padlocked and we think we have the need to be able to do the things that we shouldn’t do because we are constantly hashtagging so many different things?

I don’t get it. I don’t understand it. It makes no sense to me at all. As a matter of fact, I think we’ve all come down with a massive case of hashtagitis. So anyway, explain it to me down in the comments below: why are we hashtagging everything when there’s no need if we’re just doing it for our friends?

Is there a deep down validation somewhere going on?

All right. Just kind of curious. Letting it all hang out as always.