Coaching for 20 years, I’ve seen a lot of people try to run away from problems.  Here is a very quick post today.

I don’t need to go into a thousand words.  I don’t need to write lots of paragraphs.  I just need to write something that’s going to give you a very powerful message.

You can’t run away from your problems.

I’m going to tell you why.

If you try to run away from your problem, for instance, you’re confronted about something.

Maybe you’re confronted about your weight.

Maybe you’re confronted about your health.

Maybe you’re confronted about your dating life.

Maybe you’re confronted about your money situation or your work situation, whatever it might be.

Whenever you are confronted about a situation and you run away, you’re just running into the future of the same thing.  So you choose to not meet something head on.

You choose to run away from the pain, dealing with something that you need to deal with right now, but running to it again in the future.  When you run into it again in the future it’s going to be even harder.

Because every time- you run away from something.
Every single time, you run away from an issue.
You run away from the deeper issue.  It’s just going to manifest again even stronger and harder the next time around.

So the second and third and fourth time you try to run away from the problem, you try to fix it quickly because that’s what we like to do as human beings.

We like to fix things quickly.  We like to make things right.  We like to believe that it’s not as big of an issue as it is.

We don’t like to go deep into the roots of it.

The second and third and fourth time.

The problem gets even bigger, harder, more challenging so you run away from it again and again and again to avoid the pain, yet the pain keeps coming up and manifests in you in deeper ways.

Let’s say for instance, you gain weight.

The first time you gain 10 pounds.

You run away from the deeper issue.  You loose the weight because you’re able to do that.  The second time you gain 20 pounds.  You run away from the issue again.

You’re able to luckily loose the weight but the issue is still there.

The third time you gain 50 pounds.

You run away from it.  The problem is you run away but the weight’s still there.  Now we know you’ve gained 80 pounds and you try to run away from it again and it doesn’t work.  Because you’ve never tackled the deeper issue.

The deeper issue is the way you’re wired.  It’s your relationship with food, health, wellness and everything.

You could substitute weight for dating, relationships, smoking, whatever it is.

When you run away from something you’re running into a future that’s even scarier than it is right now.

The universe gives you an opportunity to handle something now.  Gives you a test.  Gives you a relationship.

Opens up a Taco Bell across the street from your house.

The universe gives you the lesson right now.

It’s your choice.  You either deal with it now or you deal with a bigger mountain in the future.  I’ll see you tomorrow.