A guide to Amazing Sex by David Wygant

So how do you have amazing sex with a woman?

One of the first steps in having amazing sex with a woman is to create tension. The biggest mistakes men make is that they’re chasing sex and they’re asking for sex. Men also don’t create enough tension so the sex is the woman’s idea. For instance, a friend of mine and I the other day were talking and we had the following conversation:

DF: “You know, I really want to get laid tonight.”
DW: “Great . . . Do you have any prospects to get laid by?”
DF: “I’ve got a couple of prospects. So tonight I’m going to get laid.”
DW: “Why don’t you just try to connect with a woman tonight, and forget
about getting laid and start building up some sexual tension with the
woman so the sex becomes phenomenal beyond belief.”

I was at a party the other night, and three guys were competing for one woman. It was a very interesting night … they were all trying to come onto her, to get her to stay at the house to have sex with one of them. Each one of them failed miserably. Not one of them are ever going to see her again, because not one of them created sexual tension.

They all acted like the “typical guy.” The typical guy will see a woman and try to sleep with her the first night he meets her. Or, they’ve been out on a few dates and he’ll try and sleep with her on the very first chance he has to sleep with her. Both of these approaches are 100% wrong. You need to create sexual tension so the sex is phenomenal.

When a woman gives herself to you unconditionally, without you coercing her or seducing her with some magic technique, you’re going to have the best sex you’ve had in a long time because it comes from her core and it comes from her full passion cycle.

So, that friend of mine decided to have this night with a woman. What happened was that the woman ended up hanging with him, he tried a couple of things he probably thought were innocent, and he’ll probably never see her again.

The key to bonding with a woman, is to bond with her emotionally and bond with her mentally. When you feel like she wants to kiss you, you wait an hour or an hour and a half, then you kiss her . . . and the kiss is amazing! It’s this deep kiss that really, really connects you with her.

So then all of a sudden you’ve gone out with her twice, and you know she wants to have sex. You’ve gone back to her place and you’ve fueled the sexual tension between you. What you do is you hold out. You kiss, you touch a little bit. Then you look at her, push her away and say “Not tonight. I just want to get to know you a little bit more.”

What happens is, inside her mind she starts to absolutely burn with passion and desire because she will then wonder “Why didn’t he sleep with me? Every other guy sleeps with me in this situation. How come he didn’t sleep with me?”

And the fact is that by not sleeping with her, it is going to drive her so crazy that by the next day she’s going to wake up and she’s going to think that she wants to sleep with you. She’s even going to tell her friends that she didn’t sleep with you and that she wanted to . . .even if she was unsure that night before or even if she was just testing out that sexual chemistry and that sexual tension.

She could have been persuaded, but she respects you that you did not. Now she’s burning with it.

So now you call her up and say “You know what, let’s get together Sunday night.” (You got together with her Friday night). By choosing Sunday instead of Saturday, you’re letting her simmer for one more day. Then when you see her, the sex is amazing because she’s willingly giving herself to you and she’s also feeling the passion build-up which is exactly what she wants to do.

She’s wired like a woman, not wired like a guy. A guy is wired to get off. A woman is wired to connect.

So you have to understand, to have the best sex of your life with women you have to connect with them on a higher level than you ever have before. It’s not about just having sex, you have to be okay with walking away. I go over this in detail in My Mastery Series. You can have this amazing sex every time!!