mutual masturbationI get two questions about sex from women all the time. The first is, “How do I really turn men on?” And the second is, “I love the guy I’m dating but he doesn’t know how to please me. What can I do?”

So here’s the thing…

There’s actually an amazing way to deal with both these questions at the same time, using one powerful technique. So you want to turn him on, and you want amazing sex. How can you possibly fix both this issues at once?

The answer is, mutual masturbation!

No, for the slightly less experienced among us, a brief explanation. Mutual masturbation is the act of touching yourself or/and your partner for mutual pleasure or orgasm. Here’s the thing…

Men are extremely visual creatures. Seeing a woman pleasuring herself in front of us is amazingly sexy, and is pretty much gauranteed to have any man panting with desire. Sit opposite him/her naked, and show him how you want him to touch you. Show him what pressure turns you on. Show him how fast you want him to move his fingers. Do you want him to caress your legs as he does it? Do you like it if he sits behind you kissing your neck as he does it?

Once you’ve done that, take his hand and guide him around your body. Show him exactly what you want. This whole process has two major benefits. Firstly, he’ll be so turned on he’ll be begging to make love t0 you, and secondly he won’t have to guess what you want anymore. He’ll know first hand exactly how to pleasure you because you’ve shown him.

I’ll explain more in the video below, but never under-estimate the power of mutual masturbation. It’s an incredibly powerful technique gauranteed to relight a fire in your sex life. Check out the video, and as always I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!