Why do so many women settle?

Why do they end up in relationships with men who they don’t really feel everything for?

How come so many women say this to me all the time:

“I love the man I’m with. But I really really wish he would…” 


“He’s great…but, you know…you can’t have everything.”

I love that phrase “you can’t have everything”.

I agree with that. You can’t have everything. You have to make some compromises.

You’re dating a man.  He loves to vacation in the city, and you’re a beach kind of girl.  You’re going to have to make a compromise.  One vacation will be to the beach, and one vacation will be to a city, or you combine them, half city, half beach.

Let’s say you’re dating a man and he loves Thai food and horror movies.

You’re more of a romantic comedy kind of girl, and you really don’t like Thai food.  It makes you feel bloated and you prefer Mexican food.

So you’ll have to compromise.  Sometimes you have to watch that horror movie.  Sometimes he’ll have to watch the rom-com.

But when it comes down to your core beliefs and what you need from love—you should never settle.

If you’re a romantic, affectionate loving woman, then you deserve a romantic, affectionate loving man.  Otherwise, your love tank will always remain empty.

I’m tired of hearing women say, “My boyfriend is really great.  I only wish he was more loving.”

Or this:

“My boyfriend’s great.  He’s like my best friend, but the sex, he just doesn’t really want it that often….”

Well then he’s not ‘great’; he’s just good. And one should never settle for good if great is possible.

(By the way: Great is ALWAYS possible.)

Don’t settle.

Your core needs need to be fulfilled.

Settle when there’s a debate between Mexican food and Thai food.

But never settle when it comes down to love.