So, last night I was stirring in my place.

No, not like happily-awaiting-Christmas stirring—I was bored.

Actually, I wasn’t even bored, I just wanted a complete project.

I just moved into this new place about 10 days ago and I just want to get the finishing pieces done.

I decided to go to Home Depot at about 10:00 at night.  They’re open until 11:00pm.  I don’t know why.  I mean how many people are in their homes at 9:30pm and think to themselves, “Hey, that cabinet hinge has been loose for days. I’m tired of this! Off to Home Depot…”

When I got there it was full of man.

Sure, some of the men were a little on the strange side.  (It was past 10pm.) But there were men of all ages and shapes and sizes–from single, married guys, crazed looking guys and just an all-around mish-mash of guys.

I saw a bunch of day laborers picking up supplies for the next day.

I saw married men looking at tools.

And then I saw single guys kind of cruising around.  They weren’t looking for women—they were looking for man toys.

So ladies, here’s what I suggest: if you ever have insomnia and you’ve got on some cute little PJs, instead of playing with a female toy, I suggest you go to Home Depot and go handle some man toys.

There were a lot of men in there.  If I was a woman, all alone in Home Depot, I’d certainly find a man who had a hammer that needed to drill—or a man with a drill that wanted to bang on something.  🙂

All right, I’m having a bit of fun but you get the idea.

Think outside the box.

It’s just like what I tell men all the time about going to a nail salon on a Sunday and getting a manicure. Go where your prospects are.

Do the uncommon thing. It’s time for you to check out The Home Depot.