How many of you have a passcode on your phone?

The real question is, if you’re single, why do you have a passcode on your phone? Are you worried you might lose your phone and personal information? Are you worried your Facebook account login will be found?

We’re constantly protecting ourselves from snoops in this world.

And we all know how snoopy women can be.

No doubt you really wish they were as cute as Charlie Brown’s Snoopy. Sitting innocently on top of their dog house hanging out with Woodstock, and when the phone rings they hand it to you and don’t look who called.

But we all  know women are like CSI investigators. You know that TV show, Crime Scene Investigation?

Women Have a Knack for Snooping Through Phones

You give a woman a phone, she’ll find a way to unlock the code.

Whenever your phone is picked up by a woman and handed to you, she’ll always push the round button to see if there are any texts that are suspicious hanging out on your home screen.

Women are great at snooping.

I’ve had many women snoop. And every single time they snoop, they’ve told me that they’ve never snooped before.

I think to myself, That’s strange. In your entire life you’ve never snooped before and I happen to be the first man that you ever snooped on? I find that hard to believe.

There Needs to Be Trust in a Relationship

I also believe in authentic honesty in a relationship – you shouldn’t really be hiding anything in a relationship.

If there’s stuff on your phone, things that will incriminate you if your woman picks up the phone, then you’re not really in a relationship that’s open, authentic and honest to begin with and you need to reevaluate what that relationship is all about.

So, when is the right time to hand the phone over to your criminal investigative girlfriend? When’s the right time when you’ll feel okay that if a text comes in the middle of the night, it won’t bring up any red flags?

Today’s video talks about when is the best time for you to unlock your phone and allow her to look through everything.

Every picture, every hidden email. Everything. I believe in 100% transparency in a relationship, and the fact is, if you have 100% transparency in a relationship, you’re really not going to rifle through each other’s phones because you’re going to trust each other in the first place. Violation of trust is a huge relationship-ending behavior, so don’t do it.

Don’t give each other a reason to snoop and become CSI investigators. Then Snoopy will go back to being a cute little beagle, sitting on top of a dog house with his friend, Woodstock, waiting for Charlie Brown to come home to play and not just waiting for Charlie Brown to come home and unlock his phone.