New Wardrobe By David Wygant

So now it is summer time. It is a good time to update your wardrobe. Plus all the sales are now are taking place and most of the clothes are 50% off!!

What is really fun about updating your wardrobe is not buying the stuff and then taking it home; it’s the actual act of buying it – the art of buying. This gives you the opportunity to walk into any clothing store you want, find a woman you are attracted to, look at her, walk directly over to her and say, “hey, I’m looking to update my look, and I’d like to get your opinion on it. I’m curious: what would you like to see on my if I came and picked you up at your house tonight?”

Be playful a little bit. Let her dress you. Have some fun with it. Do something different – push yourself out of your comfort zone! If that’s too bold of a statement for you to make when you walk in there, then walk up to her and say, “listen, I’ve been to a couple of stores and I’m looking to update my wardrobe, what do you think would look good on me?”

That’s it. “I was wondering…” or “I was curious…” – these are two very powerful phrases because they allow you to get them to talk about their emotions. Curiosity and wonder are emotion-based, and you use these words to engage her in a conversation.

What you do is walk into that store and engage her in a conversation. You allow her to dress you, you have some playful banter – you can find out whether or not she likes you through the playful banter.

But the bottom line is, it’s springtime, and you probably do need some new clothes. You need to get out there and do it. Head to the mall, head to a store where you see a woman you are attracted to, and walk directly in there.

Let’s say there’s a woman shopping in the store – it doesn’t matter who she is shopping for – her boyfriend, her brother, whoever. Ask her! Try something on, and walk over to her and say, “hey, let me ask you a quick question: I’m curious, what do you think of this shirt on me? What do you think of these jeans on me?” Get her opinion on the whole thing. You never know – she may not have a boyfriend. She may actually be shopping for her father or her brother. She may be shopping for you! Who knows?

If you talk to her and have a good time talking with her, what happens is that you’ve made a new contact, and that new contact could be somebody that you could meet again at a later date – and perhaps at that later date, they have a really good-looking friend with them. Then you’ll have an opportunity to go and meet her friend through her.

It’s all about connecting, and all about having fun. So think of shopping in a whole different way, and go out and enjoy yourself.

If you’re on a budget and don’t have much money for clothes – don’t worry about it. You can go window shop and try some clothes on, figure out what you’re going to buy at a later date, and still have fun meeting people.

Talk to you soon!
Todays Video is all about how to be dynamic even if you don’t have the new clothes!!!