Just a few thoughts that were on my mind this morning when i woke up.

Read this a few times and let me know what you think.

Have an amazing Saturday!

If you’re not hurting, then you’re not feeling – and this means that you’re thinking too much and not really living your life vulnerably.

To live your life vulnerably is to live your life raw. To live your life raw, you have to be able to feel and absorb everything that comes into your life.

And do you know what? If you don’t feel anything – if you feel no pain in your life – it means that you’re not living.

If you feel no vulnerability in your life, it means that you’re not really living. If you feel no emotions in your life, you’re not living.

To be 100% raw in life is the most amazing feeling you can have.

Todays video is a breakdown of an approach and a review on body language. This was shot on the beach this summer.