Everybody is so caught up in what the celebrities are doing – and this weekend seemed to be a celebrity-filled weekend for me.

First, when I was out looking for a new house, I ran into Donald Sutherland. Apparently he was checking out a house he wanted to buy for Kiefer Sutherland – this really cool townhouse in Venice by this famous Southern Californian. I was looking at one myself when I ran into him.

It was interesting – I was doing my usual observational chitchat, and I looked at him and said, “great view!” He agreed, and smiled, and that was about it. He had great energy and a good persona, but it was obvious that he just didn’t want to be bothered.

But even more interesting is that my friend Hope and her friend Danielle were at Roberto’s Tacos (a famous taco stand in Encinitas) and they ran into Owen Wilson. Owen Wilson was checking out this girl Danielle, and then she said, “hey, what’s up?” – from a distance, she thought it was a guy she’d once dated.

Then she realized it wasn’t that guy, but Owen Wilson, and she played it cool. So he looked at her and said, “where am I right now? It’s beautiful! Where exactly am I? What’s the name of this place?” So he used the observational prop – really bonding with the environment and asking, “where is this beautiful place?” and just starting a conversation in that way.

They start chatting back and forth, and started flirting a little bit, and then she went inside and some little kid asked her if she knew who that was. She said she did, and the kids were awed. She went back out and to the other side of the restaurant – just like a woman, she ran from the scene!

He kept looking at her, and she kept looking at him, and what happened next? He walked over to the other side of the restaurant where she was eating her tacos and said, “hey, what are you doing the rest of the day?”

She responded, “I don’t know, I think I’m going to go back to my house and relax.” He said, “that’s great. So do you know any good beaches around here?” And she told him about a few beaches, and that was it!

She laid out the “going back to my house to hang out” kind of routine, he asked if she knew any good beaches – looking for the “sure, let me show you the best beach!” type of thing, and what it all boils down to is that Owen Wilson can’t close!

It doesn’t matter who you are in life – you might be a celebrity, a rich man, a poor man, a beautiful woman, a sexy woman, a chubby woman – it doesn’t make a difference. When two people are attracted to each other, many times both of them are afraid to take a step. Here is Owen Wilson, who makes tons of money, dated Kate Hudson, is full of confidence, and yet he couldn’t close a simple hot San Diego woman.

So once again – it’s time to stop thinking about and obsessing over celebrities, because they are just like you and me. Celebrities are just regular people with regular issues. They might act for a living, but that doesn’t mean that they know how to close a woman they are attracted to!

Are you going to be like Owen Wilson and not close, or are you going to be like somebody that I coach – someone who knows how to close when they hear an invitation? Someone who takes action – do you want to be a man who takes action?

Or do you want to be the woman that flirts a little bit harder and doesn’t run away from an opportunity to hang out with your Owen Wilson?

The choice is yours – but it all depends on how you want to handle it. In reality, life is all about closing. If you are a woman, life is all about letting the guy know – maybe one more time – that you’re interesting in him closing you. You never know unless you try!

It doesn’t matter who you are – you can still be Owen Wilson. And Owen Wilson can’t close!

Todays video is all about how to get her thinking about you and it will also teach you how to never be like Owen Wilson.