A woman you approached ignored you, or even worse laughed at your opener.

The girl across the street you really like, told you she just wants to stay friends.

What are you going to do about it? How are you ever going to meet a woman? How can you avoid any more rejection?

The answer is simple…


I get so many emails from guys who are still scared to approach women, and I tell them the same thing every time. Stop being so worried about the outcome. So what if she doesn’t want to talk to you. Move on to the next woman. And the next, and the next, and the next. Unless you’re planning some sort of orgy, you only want to date one woman at a time. I’m telling you, if you approach 100 women in the way I’ve taught you over the years, you’d get at least a couple of phone numbers. You’d get a couple of dates.

It’s the simple law of averages. Stop worrying about the outcome, and enjoy the experience.You don’t sit down to eat and say, “Oh my God. What if this gives me food poisoning?”

You don’t sit on the toilet and wonder, “What will I do if some killer spider jumps up and bites me in the butt.”

You just DO things. And that’s how you need to look at dating and approaching women. It really doesn’t matter what happens. It’s all about your mindset and getting rid of the monkey chatter and bull that’s been in your head all these years.

Take a look at the video below and you’ll see what I mean.