Get More Dates Using “The 5 W’s”
By David Wygant

Remember when you were a little kid and you learned in school about the “5 W’s?” You know what I’m talking about: who, what, when, where, why and how. How did “how” ever become a “W” anyway? Maybe we’ll explore that in another blog . . .

I believe that one of the best lessons we ever learn as a kid in school is the power of who, what, when, where, why and how. They are powerful because when you are able to grasp the importance of who, what, when, where, why and how, you can create an amazing conversation with ANYONE in any situation.

It is all about becoming curious. My whole life I’ve been questioning everything.

Being confident in your ability to engage in conversation with anyone not only is a great general skill to have, but it has a huge impact on the success of your dating life. Do you you think you would get more dates if you felt comfortable to start a conversation with anyone, especially with those members of the opposite sex you really want to meet but usually feel too nervous to approach?

Think about how using the “5 W’s” can help you easily meet people in the places you go every day and how that could immediately result in you getting more dates. Let’s say you are in a coffee shop and you see a woman you find attractive. Note that this applies to either gender, but since I’m writing this I’ll use the male’s perspective for this example.

So let’s say I see a woman I’m attracted to in a coffee shop and I hear her say “Gosh, I really need a mochachino today.” Notice how you can utilize all of the five “W’s” and create a great conversation:

David: “Why do you need a mochachino today?”
Woman: “It just reminds me of this trip I took.”
David: “Really, when did you go on that trip?”
Woman: “Years ago I went on a trip with a really good friend of mine and we had an awesome time.”
David: “Where did you go?”
Woman: “We took a summer road trip up the coast.”
David: “That sounds really fun! How long have you two been friends?”
Woman: “She and I have been friends since grade school.”
David: “When is the last time you talked to her? What did you guys used to like to do together?”
Woman: “I haven’t talked to her in a couple years since she started having kids. We used to take a trip together every year to a different place.”

You can see that I actually easily used each of the who, what, when, where, why and how elements in that conversation. Notice how easy it is to create a conversation just by realizing and using the power of who, what, when, where, why and how.

Have you ever been nervous about engaging in conversation with someone, and questions keep running through your mind like “What can I talk about with them?” or “How will I think of the right thing to say?” The power of who, what, when, where, why and how eliminates all of these questions and gives you the ability to confidently engage in conversation with anyone, because you always have an endless supply of conversation topics ready and available.

You should be cognizant of the “5 W’s” every time you are talking to someone. You will never be nervous about what to say again!

The “5 W’s” are an integral part of most conversations whether you realize it or not. Think about every conversation you’ve ever had. I’ll bet they are all a series of who, what, when, where, why and how questions.

Life really hasn’t changed much since we were kids. One of the main things that has changed is our ability to rationalize. We rationalize our fears and decide we are “unable” to talk to certain people. The truth is you are able to talk to anyone in any situation.

So the next time you’re standing there looking at a total stranger you’d like approach, just think who, what, when, where, why and how and start talking. You never know where that next conversation might lead.
In order to learn and master the art of conversation you will need to watch this video. Together with this blog you will explode your interactions and meet some amazing women.

Ladies….watch this as well….it will work for you too!!