It’s funny. If you ask a guy about a woman and say “What do you see?”, he will always pick out the most obvious things. He’ll say “She has great blonde hair” or “I like her body” or “She’s tall” or “She’s wearing a read shirt.” Women, on the other hand, notice totally different things about men.

Let me ask you a question. How many times have you been talking to a woman and, like magic, other women come over and start talking to you?

Guys always think this phenomenon is the result of women thinking you have a girlfriend and thus must understand how to talk to women. In reality, this phenomenon is totally attributable to an energy thing.

When you’re flirting, smiling and being real with a woman, other women see this energy that you’re putting out and the way the woman you’re talking to is responding to it. Women want emotions. Women can sense emotions. It is called women’s intuition.

Have you ever came home from work, and even though you told your girlfriend that you had a great day, she says, “Something is wrong.” They’re always right about it too. That’s their intuition.

Women read emotions better than men. They’re more in tune with emotions than men are.

So when they see you talking to a waitress in a restaurant, and the waitress is smiling and laughing, you will notice that other women will all of a sudden come and sit down next to you.

Why do they do that? They do that for a few reasons.

For one thing, you will stand out as being different from almost every other guy and how almost every other guy acts. Two, your energy will be very open. Three, they see how other women respond to you.

This is why talking to everyone all day long is equally important to meeting great women as going directly up to the women you want to meet. It’s really as simple as that. It’s an energy thing. Women love to talk to guys who bring good energy to other people.