I was sitting at my desk the other day doing some work, when my girlfriend calls me and says that her friend just sent an email announcing that “We’re pregnant!” I immediately thought to myself, “Really? That’s news to me that WE are pregnant.”

I love that term “we’re pregnant.” You’ve got to be careful around whom you say that, because otherwise you’re telling everyone you pass by that they are pregnant too (since we means you and I).

It’s funny, too, how men will say “we’re pregnant” as much as women do. No, “we” are not pregnant. You are not walking around with your belly protruding out, all your organs smashed into one little piece, and craving weird food. You’re not walking around sweating because of the extra heat you have carrying around a bowling ball in your belly.

So, really, the term “we’re pregnant” is just so stupid. We are not pregnant nor are they pregnant. Women get pregnant. Men shoot out the sperm that get the women pregnant.

We learned all of that in sex education class when we were kids. That’s the extent of “we’re pregnant.” The man and woman get together, they have sex, the sperm fertilizes the egg, and the period does not come.

That is the extent of the man’s involvement in being pregnant. Granted, men can go to birthing class and lamaze class, but technically it’s really the women who has to drag that bowling ball around for nine months until she gets the kid of out of her body.  

So the next time you use the term we’re pregnant, remember that “we” are not pregnant (just she is). Maybe the man should be able to carry the belly around, and then he can actually say he is pregnant too. Maybe that’s better because you’re doing it together.