Let’s talk about falling in love. All of you want to fall in love. Everybody wants to fall in love.

Falling in love is great. It’s a drug.

Let me tell you something. There is nothing greater than falling in love.

Close your eyes and remember the first time you fell in love. Remember your first love. Remember your high school or college love. Maybe you just recently fell in love with someone. It’s like you’re capturing that essence.

The feeling of love actually is kind of a drug. There are hormones – like Dopamine — which actually are produced in our bodies which give us that feeling.

Anyway, falling in love is such an amazing process. It really is. To look at someone and know absolutely that you love them is amazing.

Here’s something that is interesting about falling in love. Falling in love is really peeling a layer from yourself every single day and giving it to another person.

There is one thing about falling in love, however, about which most people don’t talk. While falling in love with someone is incredible, you should always be falling in love with two people.

The other person with whom you should be falling in love is yourself. Every day, you should be falling more in love with yourself.

You should be doing this whether you are in a relationship or whether you are single. Let’s say you are single right now and you’re searching for someone.

If that is the case, I have but one question for you (and it’s not about how many people you went out and talked to today). My question to you is this: Did you fall more in love with yourself today than you did yesterday?

Every day you should accept yourself more. Every day you should work on yourself. Every day you should realize more who who you are as a person.

Every day you embrace yourself is another day that you’re falling more in love with yourself. This is so important, because the more you fall in love with yourself the more someone else can fall in love with you.

Love is a selfless thing. Opening up and expressing love to somebody is a selfless thing.

Let me show you how this all fits into a relationship with another person. Let’s say you are a mushy person who likes to say “I love you” every five seconds to your partner, and expresses yourself by writing poetry and little Post-It® love notes all over the house.

Then suppose that your partner is someone who is just not a “Post-It® note” kind of person. That person loves you just as deeply, but expresses their love in a different way. The way they express love might be with a smile, in the way they hold your hand, the way they kiss or the way they say “I love you” in the morning.

If you’re a secure person and you’re falling in love with yourself, then you are going to also be a secure person when you fall in love with somebody else. The reason is that you are not going to expect to be treated the exact way you treat your partner (which will never happen). Never in life will you meet someone who is exactly like you in every way.

So think about this. When you are truly in love with yourself, you can truly love another person because you’ll expect absolutely nothing back.

When you’re not truly in love with yourself, you’re always going to be looking for confirmation. You’ll think and/or say things like, “I told you I loved you this morning. Will you tell me you love me tonight? Please do it so we can be even.”

There will be some days when you might say “I love you” to you partner thirty times, and your partner only says it to you once. This shouldn’t matter to you. If you are bursting with love and you are totally secure with yourself, then you should say “I love you” thirty times in a day if you want. If you get it back even one time, then that’s awesome. Appreciate and enjoy it!