heart v headI was having a great conversation with my friend Larry the other night. It was one of our usual late night talks about relationships. He’s a fantastic reader of relationships, and he was pointing out a couple of interesting things about my own relationship patterns. One of the revelations was this…

I’ve had the habit of staying in relationships for too long. Sometimes, way too long!

For some reason or another, I stay in. Even though I know deep down they should end, I stay in and battle through until the thing dies on its own. And here was what Larry pointed out which was really interesting, and actually very funny.

Although I thought I was staying in these bad relationships, my head had actually left a long time before I realized. The trouble was my penis had stayed in the relationship for a few more months!

I thought about that for a while and started laughing. He was 100% right. I’d leave relationship emotionally after about 5 months, but my penis would stick around a lot longer. My penis was addicted to the sex the relationship brought, but my head knew the relationship would never work out. It’s like the rational side of my relationship center, my heart and head, got together and had a committee meeting. The trouble was, my penis didn’t bother turning up to the meeting.

Think about it. There are three organs inside our body that are responsible for relationships. The head, the heart, and the penis.

My head was very rational. My head knew this person wouldn’t be someone I could go the distance with. They didn’t want the same things I did, and they weren’t capable of giving me what I needed. That’s perfectly fine, and I needed my head to notice those things.       

My heart still had feelings for them, but my heart also knew it wasn’t going to go anywhere with this person. As much as it hurt, my heart knew it was time to say goodbye. My penis of the other hand was adamant this relationship could work. In fact, it through a temper tantrum it was so desperate to stay in this relationship. My penis tried to convince my head and my heart that we were all in this together!

I’m sure the three of them must have been having conversations while I was sleeping. I’m sure it looked up at my heart, pointing up in that direction and shouted, “Yo, you, heart up there! You know you really love this woman don’t you? Stay with her.”

Then he spoke to my head, “Hey head, so what if this doesn’t feel good? We need this. You and me need this relationship!”

Usually a relationship ends when all three organs get out of the relationship together. Sometimes the head leaves first but the heart stays in it. Other times the heart gets out first followed by the head and the penis.  Other times the heart and penis leave first, but the head fights to stay where it is. In some of my relationships, my penis had stayed involved for months until my head and heart suddenly looked down and said, “Hey buddy, we’re getting the hell out of this thing. We know you’re addicted to this one and how it feels, but we need to work together.”

And this guys, is where it gets interesting.

How do you know when a relationship is right for you?

It’s when all three of your major relationship organs are working together and on the same page. You need to make sure all three listen to each other, and don’t let one bully the others into making bad decisions. The penis can be a powerful force when it wants to be, and you need to train your heart and head to overpower him if needed!

So what about you guys?

Have you ever experienced the head, the heart, and the penis in conflict, and if so, who won?