Live The Life You Love by David Wygant

“Live the life you love. Love the life you live.”

These are the exact words on the charm on my dog’s collar. It’s interesting that a five year-old black Labrador can be walking around with a statement that most people don’t follow.

Think for a second. You are trying to attract (note that the key word here is “attract”) a member of the opposite sex for you to date. Most people don’t understand the art of attraction, and they spend their nights chasing the opposite sex in places that they’re not having fun.

Let’s go deeper into this. What makes you think that if you go out on a Friday or Saturday night, that you are going to meet somebody . . . especially if you have never really met somebody interesting before on a Friday or Saturday night?

Do you love standing around at a bar? Is it your belief that this is your only option . . . or have you made it your only option because you have not thought outside the box? Recently I posted a video about how in my life I do what I love all the time, thus allowing me to attract and meet women in a very natural way.

I don’t like standing around in a bar on a Friday night. I find it boring. I also don’t like drunk talk. I don’t really drink. If you do, that’s wonderful. It is just not really my lifestyle. Sitting around having someone slur their words at me on a Friday night is boring.

So for me, I spend my time doing the things I love to do: I go to a yoga class. I go to a bookstore. I go get some dinner with a friend not because the place is hot, but rather because the food is good and because I like the atmosphere.

By doing what I love, I am creating good energy wherever I go and thus attracting women into my life. Put me in a bar, and I don’t attract anybody because I’m not happy there.

This is the profound meaning of “Live the life you love. Love the life you live.” By doing what you love, you will be passionate about it. This will lead to passionate encounters and interesting conversations with the opposite sex.

By choosing to do things you love, you will also always have a lot to about with others. When I go to an art gallery, I have a lot to talk about with people.

I never go to places that I would only be going to because “women are going to be there.” Women are everywhere. You just have to open your eyes and see all the available people. For those of you who are unfamiliar with my work, I call this observation practice.

Some of the worst dating advice that has been prevalent over the years is to tell people to look for members of the opposite in places “where men go” or “where women go” REGARDLESS of whether these places are places people have any interest in going.

For instance, women have been told to take an auto mechanics class because “men will be there” even when a woman has no interest in learning how to fix cars. This is ridiculous! Even if a woman would meet a man there, what would they have in common? Also, why would you want to deliberately set out to meet someone whom you know is interested in something you’re not?!

I know there are women in a cooking class. I don’t like to cook . . . I like to eat takeout. So I’d rather meet women at a takeout class.

Now instead of me continuing to go deeper into this, I want you to make a list of all the things that YOU love to do. Then the next time you are doing one of the things that you love to do, look around and see if there are members of the opposite sex there also.

Granted, if you are a woman who loves needlepoint, there is a pretty good change that the man of your dreams is not going to be there doing ‘knit one pull two.” There are just some places that men will be men and women will be women. Most of life, though, is coed.

So do what my dog Daphne does . . . Live the life you love, and love the life you live