Never ask a woman out via text.

I know, I kinda threw that one out there.

But this isn’t even a rule—it’s a commandment.

Call me old fashioned.

Maybe I am.

Or maybe I’m somebody who actually understands women.

Guys, I coach women. I’ve been doing it for over 14 years.

And the number one thing women can’t stand is when a guy asks her out via text.

Here are three reasons why:

1. You look like a passive wimp. You heard me correctly. When you meet a woman, and text her instead of calling her to ask her out on a date, in her mind, she’s assuming that you think she’s going to say no.

You don’t own it, and to her, you appear like an unconfident guy.

2. Texts don’t always go through. Sometimes, texts just get lost in the textosphere or wherever they may go. It’s not 100% reliable. A voicemail message is always going to go through. When she picks up the phone, it will always go through.

3. She may be busy and forget your text. She may be in the middle of a meeting, she may be working, and your text gets lost on her phone. She may be busy doing other things and then totally forget about the text. And then, she’ll look at her phone in the next day or two and realize that she never answered that text.

And then she feels bad, and she thinks that you’re going to think that she’s rude. So she doesn’t text back. And that’s it for you.

. . .

So consider those three reasons before you decide to shoot off that text message to the girl you just met.

Texting is great in some situations. (Like sexting!) But it’s still just a tool; just one method of communication.

You have to remember that you have other, more powerful tools in your toolbox.

Like your voice.

Don’t underestimate the power of your voice. Women want to hear your voice. They want to talk to you. They want to hear the words, “Hey, I’m going to this fun concert on the weekend. You should come along and keep me company…”

They want to hear it.

Texting is an art. It’s all about intrigue. But once you’ve got her intrigued—get on the damn phone!

And close the deal.

Close the deal with your voice, and you can use your other tools to close the deal later.

You hear me?