I was in Walgreen’s today. My back has been bugging me, and when I went to get a massage the massage therapist recommended taking a bath in some Epsom Salts. So that’s what I was in Walgreen’s to buy.

At first, I couldn’t find them anywhere. I mean anywhere — I looked up and down every aisle. When I finally found some, they were in this plain blue Walgreen’s brand box that just said “Epsom Salts” on it. It was some of the worst packaging you’ve ever seen.

It was not sexy or “grab me” packaging. It was just boring packaging that looked like it was left over from forty years ago. Nothing on it, including the logo, looked like it had been updated . . . ever.

Then a guy who worked at the store showed me where there were some other Epsom Salts — lavender Epsom Salts. They were in a bag — a bag with new and modern packaging — and even had a lavender scent to them. It was as if Epsom Salts had become something fancy.

I want you to think about this for a second: How many times have you looked for something in your life, and if the packaging has changed you don’t recognize it? Then do you like the way it feels packaged this new way?

You do. You love the new packaging — the way it feels and looks, and the modern style about it. You like the fact that the company took some time and actually re-branded a product that was getting stale and old.

So now what I want you to do, is to go to a full-length mirror. Look at yourself in that mirror and ask yourself whether it is time to re-brand yourself.

Say it out loud, “Is it time to re-brand myself?” Is it time for you to look at your packaging — both internal and external?

Maybe go through a whole makeover. Do you like what you see? Do you know ways that you want to improve it?

The next question is this: How are you going to go about re-branding and re-packaging yourself, so that you are the person you desire to be and deserve to be? How are you going to do that? What steps are you going to take, and what action plan are you going to have?

Are you going to join one of my seminars, or maybe coach with me? Fantastic. Do you feel like you can do it on your own or do you have other mentors you can go to for guidance? Fantastic. Just be sure you have an action plan for how you are going to go about re-branding yourself.

So the next time into Walgreen’s looking for yourself and you can’t find you, it will be because you don’t recognize that brand new, amazing packaging. You’ll see it by the way people respond to you with your new packaging. You’ll also respond to your own new packaging and think to yourself how cool and powerful it feels to be updated.