How many times have you found yourself in the friend zone?

Annoying, isn’t it?

So why does it keep happening?

Here’s the deal: The reason why men get in the friend zone so often is because they don’t ask a woman out in the first place.

When you meet a woman for the very first time, never ever give her your business card, tell her to add you on Facebook, tell her to give you a call, or invite her to some random event like a barbecue.

That’s the wimpiest way of asking a woman out.  Women are so sick and tired of men that do that.

When you meet a woman for the very, very first time, and you like her, ask her out like a man.

Say this to her:

“Give me your number. I want to take you out.  Let’s get together.”

Anything like that will work. In this way, she immediately knows you’re serious about hanging with her, and not the guy that’s going to eventually make the moves on her sometime down the line.

She’s never going to give you validation. That’s her nature. You have to be bold and make a move.

If you have a situation where you see her often—maybe you work together or she works at your favorite coffee shop—then you need to make the move quickly.

If you take too long, she’s going to think to herself, “Great, another wimpy guy that couldn’t ask me out right away. Now he’s trying to try to ask me out over the span of three or four different meetings, but each time I see him, he still doesn’t ask me out, and I become less and less attracted to him.”

This happens all the time with guys.  Stop looking for validation and confirmation, and ask her out immediately.

Is my point becoming clear to you?

Don’t add her on Facebook down the road. Don’t look for her on the Internet.  If you don’t get her number, don’t hunt her down on Facebook and add her as a friend.

Did you hear the terminology? Add her as a FRIEND?

Facebook doesn’t have an option that says “Add Lover” or “Add Fuckbuddy”.

If you don’t ask her out the very first time you see her, you’re doing exactly what you don’t want to happen.  You’re basically adding her as a friend.

You’ve got to stop the nonsense.  If you want out of the friend zone, there’s only one way out of the friend zone, and that way is to ask her out the very first time you meet her, and establish what you want.

Women want to be claimed. Women want a man to ask them out. Women want a man to call them.

They’re tired of all the guys that are hiding behind technology and hiding behind everything else because they’re too afraid.

You want out of the friend zone?

Stop being a friend.