Do you understand what desperate energy is all about?

Are you somebody who sits around and talks about what you need? You’re in a bad financial situation so you need money, but yet you’re the one who put yourself in that situation in the first place with the energy you project.

Yes, we all need money. Money is great — it buys freedom, the “things” we want, it allows us to take vacations and it pays the bills. When you walk around needing it, wanting it and desperate for it, however, you won’t get it.

Are you a woman who is really tired of dating, and just wants to be able to settle down and start a family? Your energy’s vibe is want, want, want, need, need, need. Your energy is projecting your desperation for marriage and a family.

So when you go out on a date, you will project that energy. You might notice you are getting a lot of first dates, but not a lot of second dates.

On dates, do you talk about need, need, need and want, want, want, want? Do you talk about what you lack in your life right now? Do you talk about how you want marriage and children?

That will scare any man away. It will scare any person away. If you’re a man doing that to a woman, it would scare her away too.

Are you somebody who just really wants to get laid? Are you constantly thinking, “I want to get laid. I need to get laid. I just have to get laid.” When you have this energy, you will notice that you never seem to have sex and you never seem to meet anybody.

When you go out are you just so desperate that you want to meet someone — anyone — today? That energy you are bringing out with you is desperate energy.

No one wants to be around desperate energy. It is a turn off. Period.

There are so many people out there who, instead of spending time focusing on the things they have in life, are completely desperate for the things that they lack.

Granted, you might be a 40 year old woman who isn’t currently married and doesn’t yet have any children. There may not be anyone “on the horizon” at the moment. What do you have in your life right now though?

Maybe you don’t have children, but think about all the amazing things that you have accomplished as a person. Think about all the people and the other relationships you have in your life.

Are you a 28 year old guy who hasn’t ever had much success with women? Maybe you have gone to an occasional hooker to get laid.

Do you think about what you’re lacking or missing in your life, or do you think about what you have and what you have accomplished in your life.

To attract people in life — whether it’s romantically, in business, as friends or in any other way — you have to have an open energy. Having desperate energy won’t ever attract anyone.

To learn how to have open energy, you have to start somewhere. You have to start with the basics.

So many people walk around with desperate or angry energy. That kind of person is the last person with whom I ever want to hang out.

So change your focus. Stop thinking about what you lack, and start focusing what you have.