how to ask a girl outI’m about to share with you the greatest secret mankind has ever heard. That’s right; I’m going to finally reveal the answer to a question that’s been driving men mad for decades. “How do I ask a woman out? How should I ask a girl on a date?”

So many of you get so tight about talking to women, or asking them out, you literally freeze up when you meet them and don’t know what to say. If that’s you, you’re going to want to pay close attention to this.

The next time you run into a beautiful woman, you’ll know exactly what to say. Even if she’s the girl of your dreams! This could literally be the answer to all your communication and approach problems.

Ready for it?                                               

Here’s why you find it hard to talk to women and ask them on a date…

You think too much!

“I think too much? That’s all you have for me David?”

Actually, yes it is. Think about it. When you talk to someone in your family, do you spend ages thinking about what to say? Probably not.

When you phone your friends to ask whether they want to hang out and watch football, do you rehearse what you’re going to say on the phone? Do you write out a list of topics to discuss with them? Probably not.

So why is it when you speak to a woman you always wonder what to say next?

Why do you feel like you need some sort of script to guide you through the conversation?

It’s weird when you think about it. You can’t have a proper conversation with someone if you’re constantly trying to think of what to say next. You won’t listen to what she’s saying, you’ll look like you’re not paying attention, and it makes you look creepy.

You need to start talking to women as if they’re human beings, not some kind of fantasy creature you made up in your imagination. You don’t do it when you talk to the guy at the gas station. You don’t do it when you talk to the guy making your sandwich or coffee. You don’t say, “Right, I’m going to order my sandwich first. Then I’m going to ask for a coffee, and ask for extra milk. I might even make a joke about that. Then I’ll use my line about whether I have to pay this time. That always goes down well.”

Yet, this is exactly what you do when you meet a woman, and it’s what you do when you try to work out how to ask them out. You need to stop thinking about it. Stop worrying about what to say next. No conversation is pre-planned. No conversation presently going on in the world was thought out beforehand.

Life isn’t a movie script!

You’re going to have to start learning how to listen to a woman as if she’s a real, living individual. When you listen to what she says, you can react to it and the conversation flows. Just imagine she’s someone you talk to on a regular basis. If you want to hang out with your friends, you just ask them to!

If you want to ask a girl out, stop thinking, and just ask her!