Willy Loman By David Wygant

What is up with men who walk around, talk to a woman for fifteen seconds, hand out their business cards . . . and then expect that these women who don’t even know them will call them for a date?

I can see this scenario if you were a traveling salesman selling Electrolux or World Books. You see an interesting prospect walking down the street, and for some odd reason you think they are looking for a vacuum cleaner or a set of encyclopedias. THEN maybe you would hand out your business card and hope (notice I use the word hope) that they will call you.

Let me ask all the men a question. Suppose you are walking down the street, some woman rattles off a routine to you, you say one word, and then she hands you her business card and tells you to call her. What would you do?

I know you’re laughing right now. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? This approach is the most ridiculous approach in the world.

Walking around all day long talking to women and handing out your business card? That is the wussy way to do things. What are you planning to do then – sit back and hope for the phone to ring? Also, why would she call you? She doesn’t even know who you are!

I can definitely see if you spoke to someone for fifteen minutes, then you both exchanged business cards. Ask any woman what she thinks of the guy who hands her his business card fifteen seconds after they meet, and she will tell you that she thinks he has no balls.

You are the guy . . . get the phone number! Give her your number too. Call her. Maybe she’ll call you and maybe she won’t, but why do you want to take that chance?

Why sit around hoping that she calls you? I’m all about being proactive in life. Proactive means that you meet a woman, you intrigue her, you get her excited that she met you, you exchange numbers, and then you call her!

Handing a business card to a woman and not asking for her phone number is basically telling her that you don’t believe she will ever call. It is taking the safe way out to make yourself feel good.

Doing this business card handoff also allows you to tell yourself “Well, I did it. I approached her. I handed her a business card.” It really is the wimpiest thing a man can do.

Bob, the last email you sent me is just about the funniest email I’ve ever read in my life. I promise I’ll keep it our little secret until you allow me to post it down the road.

By the way, Dr. Bob is single and he has a business card that reads “Dr. Bob” with a picture of a goldfish around a man’s neck. That much he’s allowed me to share. I’d also like to dedicate this blog to Dr. Bob because he is one of the many men who suffer from the “handing out business cards and expecting women to call” disease. Thanks Bob for letting me mention you today.

So let’s hear from all the women. How do you feel when a vacuum cleaner salesman walks over to you and hands you a business card? All the men (including our very own Dr. Bob) are waiting to hear your responses.

If anyone else has a good blog topic, send it my way and I’ll gladly talk about it. It’s not just about Bob . . . but what about Bob