So the long Fourth of July weekend is over-did you have a great time?

For those of you who had the Fourth off, did you really maximize the three-day weekend?

If you’re listening in another country and you don’t celebrate American Independence Day, did you have a great weekend as well?

We’re six months into the year now, the new year is long gone. New Year’s Resolutions—do you even remember those?

Now that 2011 is in full swing, I want you to really ask yourself if you are achieving the kind of results you want to achieve with women? Are you going on as many dates as you would like? Are you getting out of the house, are you meeting new people, are you making great connections with the kind of women you would like?

How To Pickup Women

If your answer to any of those is “no”, I want you to listen closely to today’s podcast. You need to kick yourself into gear. You need to get motivated. You need to take action immediately and stop wasting time. Summer is in full swing now, and there’s no reason for you to waste another minute of it.

So take in today’s podcast and use it to get started on changing the course of your dating life today! The year is half over guys. Six months from now, you don’t want to be the guy making the same New Year’s Resolutions all over again pickup, pua, pickup women.